Ambari Change log Release 0.1.0 - unreleased AMBARI-185. Remove NodeServers from NodeState. Instead use NodeRole to keep associated roles to node and their active state. (vgogate) AMBARI-184. Ambari client node list command returns multiple entries for same node (vgogate) AMBARI-183. Pass the appropriate component user to agent as specified in the stack (vgogate) AMBARI-182. rename controller/src/main/resources/org/apache/ambari/acd/mapred-0.1.0.acd to mapreduce-0.1.0.acd (vgogate) AMBARI-180. Fixes the agent to do better process management (ddas) AMBARI-179. Set the component level user/group information in the flattened stack, inherit default user/group information if not set one for component. (vgogate) AMBARI-178. Add support for Map/Reduce component in Ambari stack (vgogate) AMBARI-176. Adds a first version of MapReduce ACD (ddas) AMBARI-175. Removes the map from hostnames to heartbeat-responses. (ddas) AMBARI-174. Controller marks nodes unhealthy upon command execution failures. Marks them healthy when the corresponding agent is restarted (ddas) AMBARI-173. Fixed RPM build for OpenSUSE. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-172. Remove the "ambari" category from the configuration element, put it as "globals" elemement in the stack. (vgogate) AMBARI-171. Agents retry failed actions for a configurable number of times after a configurable delay (ddas) AMBARI-170. Update the cluster state after state machine transitions it to final ACTIVE/INACTIVE state (vgogate) AMBARI-168. trim the white spaces from host names returned through getHostnamesFromRageExpressions (vgogate) AMBARI-163. Addresses failure handling in FSM. ((thejas via ddas) AMBARI-165. Fix the component definition for HDFS. (omalley) AMBARI-162. Fixed agent unit test failure when ethernet is not in used. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-161. Add puppet module for Hadoop to agent resources (vgogate) AMBARI-159. Temporarily disabled security (until Ambari upgrades to Python2.7). (ddas) AMBARI-160. Ambari client add stack command should allow both json and xml (vgogate) AMBARI-158. Move the JSON encoding to the natural one. (omalley) AMBARI-157. Enhances the agent to make it puppet aware (ddas) AMBARI-156. Clean up the puppet example stack. (omalley) AMBARI-155. Heartbeat response to a node should contain an empty list of actions if node doesn't belong to any cluster presently. (ddas) AMBARI-154. Exception while starting the controller. Outdated JAXB fields in HeartBeat class (vgogate) AMBARI-153. Introduce a '' configuration file that can specify '' and a url. It defaults to 'zk://localhost:2181/', but can be set to 'test:/' to get the static storage. (omalley) AMBARI-152. Fixes issues in the shell scripts (ddas) AMBARI-148. Refactors StateMachineInvoker (ddas) AMBARI-151. Fix TestHardware when in offline mode. (omalley) AMBARI-150. Simplifies states in controller state machine (thejas via ddas) AMBARI-149. Filter the meta ambari category out of the flattened stacks. (omalley) AMBARI-141. Update the heartbeat on controller/agent (ddas) AMBARI-147. Create a stack flattener and introduce Guice. (omalley) AMBARI-145. FSMs are created for only those components that have active roles (thejas via ddas) AMBARI-146. Fix test case failures in agent's FileUtil. (omalley) AMBARI-144. Implement getInstallAndConfigureScript for a given revision of cluster definition. (vgogate) AMBARI-143. Fixes an annotation issue in HeartBeat class (ddas) AMBZRI-142. Add cluster must validate if requested nodes are pre-allocated to any other existing cluster (vgogate) AMBARI-140. Refactors the heartbeat handling w.r.t simplification of state management. (ddas) AMBARI-138. Implement stack persistence (vgogate) AMBARI-135. Simplifies the heartbeat handling to not deal with install/configure methods on component plugin definitions (ddas) AMBARI-134. Add Google analytics to the site. (omalley) AMBARI-132. Fix update agent environment script location. (Ahmed Fathalla via Eric Yang) AMBARI-131. Fixed post installation script for Ambari Agent. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-129. Rename agent package reference of HMS to Ambari. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-128. Improved ethtool handling. (Ahmed Fathalla via Eric Yang) AMBARI-127. Fixed mailing list address. (Ahmed Fathalla via Eric Yang) AMBARI-126. Minor fixes to the FSM invocations (ddas) AMBARI-125. Recover the the state of existing clusters after controller restart (vgogate) AMBARI-124. Add Zookeeper Data store and persist the cluster definitions across controller restart (vgogate) AMBARI-116. Change the name group to provider in hadoop-security-0.xml stack definition (vgogate) AMBARI-120. Fixed REST resource annotation bugs. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-121. Added examples for returning REST resources. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-119. Enhance agent to support workDirComponent. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-118. Added safe guard mechanism to prevent agent crash on faulty action. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-117. If some install action is sent in a heartbeat response, the latter should also include the dependent components' installs. (ddas) AMBARI-115. Fixed connection error handling for agent. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-114. Fix issues in XMLComponentDefinition (ddas) AMBARI-112. Fixes the blueprint/stack resolution in the Cluster class (ddas) AMBARI-112. Fix the url path conflict for /clusters used in both ClustersResource and ClusterResource (vgogate) AMBARI-111. Minor clean up of site documentation (omalley) AMBARI-110. Add persistent data store interface (vgogate) AMBARI-107. Added reporting section to aggregate javadocs. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-109. Minor fixes to the CLI documentation. (omalley) AMBARI-108. Change name blueprint to stack (vgogate) AMBARI-106. Fixes some javadoc stuff (ddas) AMBARI-105. Remove post on clusters resource to create new cluster (instead use put operation on cluster resource along with update cluster) (vgogate) AMBARI-104. Polishes the CLI doc some (ddas) AMBARI-103. Refactor agent entities package to (Eric Yang) AMBARI-102. Reduce heartbeat message content, when installedRoleState is empty. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-101. Remove clusterID and use cluster name as unique ID for the cluster(vgogate) AMBARI-100. Fixes the heartbeat to take into account install/uninstall of components (ddas) AMBARI-99. Added schema and wadl generation to be part of the build system, and integrate with maven site. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-98. Get cluster nodes with cluster in ATTIC state fails. (vgogate) AMBARI-96. Updated ambar client to show usage screen. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-93. Update -revision parameter to make it optional. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-92. Added logic to retry heartbeat sending. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-91. Move the example blueprints into xml resources. (omalley) AMBARI-90. Implement nodes get/list CLI (vgogate) AMBARI-89. Implement blueprint history CLI (vgogate) AMBARI-88. Update cluster nodes reservation is giving null pointer exception during cluster creation (vgogate) AMBARI-87. Importing pre-existing blueprint to Ambari through CLI "blueprint add" gives wrong error message (vgogate) AMBARI-86. Validate blueprint referenced by cluster exist including it's parent blueprints (vgogate) AMBARI-85. Adds handling of new states to do with preinstall actions (ddas) AMBARI-84. Added configuration file writer for Ambari Component. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-83. Added python unit test framework. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-82. Fix example clusters. (omalley) AMBARI-81. Updated xslt document to show human readable stylesheet. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-80. Implement blueprint get CLI AMBARI-79. create default blueprint instance AMBARI-78. Change the datatype of responseId in the heartbeat messages to short (ddas) AMBARI-77. create default blueprint containing HDFS component (vgogate) AMBARI-76. Register new node w/ Ambari controller (vgogate) AMBARI-75. Centralize agent configuration parsing. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-74. Throttle the frequency of checking action queue to 5 seconds. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-73. Implement cluster nodes CLI. (vgogate) AMBARI-72. Adding (dummy) blueprints before (dummy) cluster definitions and fixing null pointer exception when parent blueprint is set to null for top level blueprint (vgogate) AMBARI-71. Fix broken packaging and startup scripts. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-70. Implements the installation/configuration of gateway role (ddas) AMBARI-66. Implemented compatible package install/uninstall action for plugin. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-69. Added skeleton for Ambari component plugin library. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-68. Implement add blueprint CLI (vgogate) AMBARI-67. Implement cluster list, get CLI commands (vgogate) AMBARI-65. Added directory structure actions. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-60. Added permission check for RUN_ACTION, and WRITE_FILE_ACTION. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-64. Define components in terms of XML. (omalley) AMBARI-63. Implement cluster update, rename and delete CLI commands (vgogte) AMBARI-62. Adds the install/uninstall checks in the heartbeat handler (ddas) AMBARI-60. Added permission check for RUN_ACTION, and WRITE_FILE_ACTION. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-61. Rename cluster REST API. (vgogate) AMBARI-59. Refactor to use clusterRevision instead of bluePrintName and bluePrintRevision. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-57. Adds a state for monitoring safe-mode success/failure checks in the ServiceFSM (ddas) AMBARI-56. Refactor write config file command to write config file action. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-54. Refactor agent implementation to match AMBARI-53. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-51. Refactor transport data model for commands to become action. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-56. Surface the write config file command to write config file action. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-55. release cluster nodes function (vgogate) AMBARI-53. Refactor the HeartBeat to have Agents' states separated by component/role (ddas) AMBARI-50. Refactor the REST apis. (omalley) AMBARI-48. Move Cluster object from rest entities to controller(vgogate) AMBARI-47. Implement Cluster definition re-visioning(vgogate) AMBARI-45. Implement CLI command Cluster create (vgogate) AMBARI-46. Implemented preservation of cluster id, blueprint name and blueprint revision on agent. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-44. Implemented blueprint name and revision in heartbeat. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-39. Bridged cluster reference gap between REST API with State machine. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-28. Clean up html encoded javadoc. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-23. Renamed agent API to /agent, and public API to /rest. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-18. Implemented special command to write configuration file. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-17. Added idle state for agent heartbeat. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-15. Implemented agent side of authentication hooks. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-12. Added transition state STARTING, STOPPING. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-11. Implemented Agent to controller heartbeat communication. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-7. Updated Jersey to 1.9 for automating wadl generation. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-3. Move HMS prototype code to branch 0.0. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-2. Added heartbeat/controller response data model, and wadl configuration. (Eric Yang) AMBARI-42. Return the latest blueprint revision if revision is not specified as query parameter. AMBARI-43. Change the API StateMachineInvoker.getStateMachineClusterInstance to take blueprint related arguments. (ddas) AMBARI-41. Rename the Role/Cluster/Service classes in the statemachine package to RoleFSM/ClusterFSM/ServiceFSM (ddas) AMBARI-37. Tidies up a bit the statemachine API and related classes (ddas) AMBARI-36. Add CLI interface document to Ambari site (vgogate) AMBARI-35. Replaces the counters for keeping track of service/role start/stop with iterators. (ddas) AMBARI-34. Address the start cluster part of the statemachine implementation, and handle the heartbeat. (ddas) AMBARI-32. Remove stack resource Remove the Stack resource from Ambari (vgogate) AMBARI-25. Clean up the configuration entity to collapse some levels. (omalley) AMBARI-31. Fix JAXB annotations for Ambari resourcesi (vgogate) AMBARI-30. Fix the build so that the client and controller tarballs are built. (omalley) AMBARI-29. Implement Node Resource API. (vgogate) AMBARI-24. Fix the versions in the pom.xml. (omalley) AMBARI-22. Implement Blueprint Resource API (vgogate) AMBARI-21. Fix the problem w/ Stacks Resource API (vgogate) AMBARI-20. Fix the rest API for getting the cluster nodes (vgogate) AMBARI-19. Fix Cluster resource API nodes reservation logic (vgogate) AMBARI-16. Implement Stacks resource API (vgogate) AMBARI-14. Implement Ambari REST API for cluster resource (vgogate) AMBARI-13. Initial attempt at a website. (omalley) AMBARI-10. Initial checkin of the heartbeat handling code (ddas) AMBARI-9. Fix all of the files to have the Apache header and include RAT in the build. (omalley) AMBARI-8. Move dependencies into controller. (omalley) AMBARI-6. Moving Clusters and Nodes container objects into controller (vgogate) AMBARI-5. Added some left over changes from git repository for Ambari REST APIs. (vgogate) AMBARI-4. Created interface for component plugins. (omalley) AMBARI-1. Initial code import (omalley)