# # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # #singleton for use with <||> form so that namenode, datanode, etc can pass state to hdp-hadoop and still use include define hdp-hadoop::common( $service_states = [] ) { class { 'hdp-hadoop': service_states => $service_states } anchor{'hdp-hadoop::common::begin':} -> Class['hdp-hadoop'] -> anchor{'hdp-hadoop::common::end':} } class hdp-hadoop::initialize() { if ($hdp::params::component_exists['hdp-hadoop'] == true) { } else { $hdp::params::component_exists['hdp-hadoop'] = true } hdp-hadoop::common { 'common':} anchor{'hdp-hadoop::initialize::begin':} -> Hdp-hadoop::Common['common'] -> anchor{'hdp-hadoop::initialize::end':} # Configs generation debug('##Configs generation for hdp-hadoop') if has_key($configuration, 'mapred-queue-acls') { configgenerator::configfile{'mapred-queue-acls': modulespath => $hdp-hadoop::params::conf_dir, filename => 'mapred-queue-acls.xml', module => 'hdp-hadoop', configuration => $configuration['mapred-queue-acls'] } } if has_key($configuration, 'hadoop-policy') { configgenerator::configfile{'hadoop-policy': modulespath => $hdp-hadoop::params::conf_dir, filename => 'hadoop-policy.xml', module => 'hdp-hadoop', configuration => $configuration['hadoop-policy'] } } if has_key($configuration, 'core-site') { configgenerator::configfile{'core-site': modulespath => $hdp-hadoop::params::conf_dir, filename => 'core-site.xml', module => 'hdp-hadoop', configuration => $configuration['core-site'] } } if has_key($configuration, 'mapred-site') { configgenerator::configfile{'mapred-site': modulespath => $hdp-hadoop::params::conf_dir, filename => 'mapred-site.xml', module => 'hdp-hadoop', configuration => $configuration['mapred-site'] } } if has_key($configuration, 'capacity-scheduler') { configgenerator::configfile{'capacity-scheduler': modulespath => $hdp-hadoop::params::conf_dir, filename => 'capacity-scheduler.xml', module => 'hdp-hadoop', configuration => $configuration['capacity-scheduler'] } } if has_key($configuration, 'hdfs-site') { configgenerator::configfile{'hdfs-site': modulespath => $hdp-hadoop::params::conf_dir, filename => 'hdfs-site.xml', module => 'hdp-hadoop', configuration => $configuration['hdfs-site'] } } } class hdp-hadoop( $service_states = [] ) { include hdp-hadoop::params $hadoop_config_dir = $hdp-hadoop::params::conf_dir $mapred_user = $hdp-hadoop::params::mapred_user $hdfs_user = $hdp-hadoop::params::hdfs_user anchor{'hdp-hadoop::begin':} anchor{'hdp-hadoop::end':} if ('uninstalled' in $service_states) { hdp-hadoop::package { 'hadoop': ensure => 'uninstalled' } hdp::directory_recursive_create { $hadoop_config_dir: service_state => $service_state, force => true } Anchor['hdp-hadoop::begin'] -> Hdp-hadoop::Package<||> -> Hdp::Directory_recursive_create[$hadoop_config_dir] -> Anchor['hdp-hadoop::end'] } else { hdp-hadoop::package { 'hadoop':} hdp::directory_recursive_create { $hadoop_config_dir: service_state => $service_state, force => true } hdp::user{ $hdfs_user:} hdp::user { $mapred_user:} $logdirprefix = $hdp-hadoop::params::hadoop_logdirprefix hdp::directory_recursive_create { $logdirprefix: owner => 'root' } $piddirprefix = $hdp-hadoop::params::hadoop_piddirprefix hdp::directory_recursive_create { $piddirprefix: owner => 'root' } #taskcontroller.cfg properties conditional on security if ($hdp::params::security_enabled == true) { file { "${hdp::params::hadoop_bin}/task-controller": owner => 'root', group => $hdp::params::hadoop_user_group, mode => '6050', require => Hdp-hadoop::Package['hadoop'], before => Anchor['hdp-hadoop::end'] } $tc_owner = 'root' $tc_mode = '0400' } else { $tc_owner = $hdfs_user $tc_mode = undef } hdp-hadoop::configfile { 'taskcontroller.cfg' : tag => 'common', owner => $tc_owner, mode => $tc_mode } $template_files = [ 'hadoop-env.sh', 'health_check', 'commons-logging.properties', 'log4j.properties', 'slaves'] hdp-hadoop::configfile { $template_files: tag => 'common', owner => $hdfs_user } hdp-hadoop::configfile { 'hadoop-metrics2.properties' : tag => 'common', owner => $hdfs_user, } Anchor['hdp-hadoop::begin'] -> Hdp-hadoop::Package<||> -> Hdp::Directory_recursive_create[$hadoop_config_dir] -> Hdp::User<|title == $hdfs_user or title == $mapred_user|> -> Hdp-hadoop::Configfile<|tag == 'common'|> -> Anchor['hdp-hadoop::end'] Anchor['hdp-hadoop::begin'] -> Hdp::Directory_recursive_create[$logdirprefix] -> Anchor['hdp-hadoop::end'] Anchor['hdp-hadoop::begin'] -> Hdp::Directory_recursive_create[$piddirprefix] -> Anchor['hdp-hadoop::end'] } } class hdp-hadoop::enable-ganglia() { Hdp-hadoop::Configfile<|title == 'hadoop-metrics2.properties'|>{template_tag => 'GANGLIA'} } ###config file helper define hdp-hadoop::configfile( $owner = undef, $hadoop_conf_dir = $hdp-hadoop::params::conf_dir, $mode = undef, $namenode_host = undef, $jtnode_host = undef, $snamenode_host = undef, $template_tag = undef, $size = undef, #TODO: deprecate $sizes = [] ) { #TODO: may need to be fixed if ($jtnode_host == undef) { $calc_jtnode_host = $namenode_host } else { $calc_jtnode_host = $jtnode_host } #only set 32 if theer is a 32 bit component and no 64 bit components if (64 in $sizes) { $common_size = 64 } elsif (32 in $sizes) { $common_size = 32 } else { $common_size = 6 } hdp::configfile { "${hadoop_conf_dir}/${name}": component => 'hadoop', owner => $owner, mode => $mode, namenode_host => $namenode_host, snamenode_host => $snamenode_host, jtnode_host => $calc_jtnode_host, template_tag => $template_tag, size => $common_size } } ##### define hdp-hadoop::exec-hadoop( $command, $unless = undef, $refreshonly = undef, $echo_yes = false, $kinit_override = false, $tries = 1, $timeout = 900, $try_sleep = undef, $user = undef, $logoutput = undef ) { include hdp-hadoop::params $security_enabled = $hdp::params::security_enabled $conf_dir = $hdp-hadoop::params::conf_dir $hdfs_user = $hdp-hadoop::params::hdfs_user if ($user == undef) { $run_user = $hdfs_user } else { $run_user = $user } if (($security_enabled == true) and ($kinit_override == false)) { #TODO: may figure out so dont need to call kinit if auth in caceh already if ($run_user in [$hdfs_user,'root']) { $keytab = "${hdp-hadoop::params::keytab_path}/${hdfs_user}.headless.keytab" $principal = $hdfs_user } else { $keytab = "${hdp-hadoop::params::keytab_path}/${user}.headless.keytab" $principal = $user } $kinit_if_needed = "/usr/kerberos/bin/kinit -kt ${keytab} ${principal}; " } else { $kinit_if_needed = "" } if ($echo_yes == true) { $cmd = "${kinit_if_needed}yes Y | hadoop --config ${conf_dir} ${command}" } else { $cmd = "${kinit_if_needed}hadoop --config ${conf_dir} ${command}" } hdp::exec { $cmd: command => $cmd, user => $run_user, unless => $unless, refreshonly => $refreshonly, tries => $tries, timeout => $timeout, try_sleep => $try_sleep, logoutput => $logoutput } }