Creating an application using Airavata API ========================================== This sample demonstrate how to create an Application to run in your localhost. This simply create an echo application to run in your machine with /bin/echo executable. Pre Requirements ---------------- 1. You need to have executable /bin/echo which echo what is given as the argument (Linux or Mac system do have this executable by default) 2. You have to have registry service running on http://localhost:8080/airavata-registry/api (If you start airavata server distribution without changing any configuration this service will start). Steps to Run ------------ 1. Unpack Airavata server distribution and start with AIRAVATA_SERVER_HOME/bin/ 2. go to create-application folder in the airavata-client distribution and run following command. ant run 3. After successful run you can see your application has been created by starting xbaya using airavata xbaya distribution. Connect to the registry service using http://localhost:8080/airavata-registry/api, which is the default setting and you will see the Echo application has registered.