#################################################################################################### # Running Maven 2 Memory usage Test #################################################################################################### Goal | Description --------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------- activemq-memtest:memtest | Starts the broker, producer, consumer and the memory monitoring thread all in the same VM and | generate the heap and non-heap memory usage of the jvm. | The plugin is included by default in the \activemq-perf module. | | Parameters : | | 1. -DmessageCount - specifies number of messages to send/receive | - default value : 100000 | | 2. -Dtopic - specifies domain type. Valid value is true or false | - default value : true | | 3. -Ddurable - specifies delivery mode: Valid value is true or false | - default value : false | | 4. -DconnectionCheckpointSize - specifies size of messages sent in KB before we close and | start the producer/consumer to see if there is a memory | leak using different connections. | - a value of -1 indicates that no checkpoint is set and will | send/consume messages using one producer/consumer conneciton | - default value : -1 | | 5. -DmessageSize - specifies the message size in bytes | - default value : 10240 (10KB) | | 6. -DcheckpointInterval - specifies the interval in seconds on which the monitoring tool | will get the memory usage of test run. | - default value : 2 (seconds) | | 7. -DprefetchSize - specifies the prefetch size to be used | - a value of -1 will indicates that test will use the default prefetch | size (32000) | - default value : -1 | | 8. -Durl - species the broker url to use if not going to be using the embedded broker | - default value : null | | 9. -DreportName - specifies the name of the output xml file. | - default value : activemq-memory-usage-report | | 10. -DreportDirectory - specifies the directory of the output file | - default value : ${project.build.directory}/test-memtest | | 11. -DproducerCount - specifies the number of producers | - default value : 1 | | 12. -DconsumerCount - specifies the number of consumers | - default value : 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Memory Usage Test sample output |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | Windows XP | 1.5.0_05 | | | 9502720 | 66650112 | | | 30736384 | 121634816 | | | | non-durable | 10240 | FOO.BAR | -1 | 1 | activemq-memory-usage-report | -1 | topic | 1 | -1 | 100000 | C:\Projects\logicblaze\activemq\activemq-perftest\target/test-memtest | | | | | | .... | .... | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------