The NMS Class Library (.Net Messaging Library)

DataStructure Interface

An OpenWire command

For a list of all members of this type, see DataStructure Members.


public interface DataStructure

Types that implement DataStructure

Type Description
ActiveMQDestination Summary description for ActiveMQDestination.
ActiveMQQueue Summary description for ActiveMQQueue.
ActiveMQTempQueue A Temporary Queue
ActiveMQTempTopic A Temporary Topic
ActiveMQTopic Summary description for ActiveMQTopic.
BaseDataStructure Base class for all DataStructure implementations
BrokerError Represents an exception on the broker
BrokerId The ActiveMQ BrokerId Command
BrokerInfo The ActiveMQ BrokerInfo Command
ConnectionControl The ActiveMQ ConnectionControl Command
ConnectionError The ActiveMQ ConnectionError Command
ConnectionId The ActiveMQ ConnectionId Command
ConnectionInfo The ActiveMQ ConnectionInfo Command
ConsumerControl The ActiveMQ ConsumerControl Command
ConsumerId The ActiveMQ ConsumerId Command
ConsumerInfo The ActiveMQ ConsumerInfo Command
ControlCommand The ActiveMQ ControlCommand Command
DataArrayResponse The ActiveMQ DataArrayResponse Command
DataResponse The ActiveMQ DataResponse Command
DataStructureSupport Summary description for DataStructureSupport.
DestinationInfo The ActiveMQ DestinationInfo Command
DiscoveryEvent The ActiveMQ DiscoveryEvent Command
ExceptionResponse The ActiveMQ ExceptionResponse Command
FlushCommand The ActiveMQ FlushCommand Command
IntegerResponse The ActiveMQ IntegerResponse Command
JournalQueueAck The ActiveMQ JournalQueueAck Command
JournalTopicAck The ActiveMQ JournalTopicAck Command
JournalTrace The ActiveMQ JournalTrace Command
JournalTransaction The ActiveMQ JournalTransaction Command
KeepAliveInfo The ActiveMQ KeepAliveInfo Command
LastPartialCommand The ActiveMQ LastPartialCommand Command
LocalTransactionId The ActiveMQ LocalTransactionId Command
Message The ActiveMQ Message Command
MessageAck The ActiveMQ MessageAck Command
MessageDispatch The ActiveMQ MessageDispatch Command
MessageDispatchNotification The ActiveMQ MessageDispatchNotification Command
MessageId The ActiveMQ MessageId Command
NetworkBridgeFilter The ActiveMQ NetworkBridgeFilter Command
PartialCommand The ActiveMQ PartialCommand Command
ProducerId The ActiveMQ ProducerId Command
ProducerInfo The ActiveMQ ProducerInfo Command
RemoveInfo The ActiveMQ RemoveInfo Command
RemoveSubscriptionInfo The ActiveMQ RemoveSubscriptionInfo Command
ReplayCommand The ActiveMQ ReplayCommand Command
Response The ActiveMQ Response Command
SessionId The ActiveMQ SessionId Command
SessionInfo The ActiveMQ SessionInfo Command
ShutdownInfo The ActiveMQ ShutdownInfo Command
SubscriptionInfo The ActiveMQ SubscriptionInfo Command
TransactionId The ActiveMQ TransactionId Command
TransactionInfo The ActiveMQ TransactionInfo Command
XATransactionId The ActiveMQ XATransactionId Command


Namespace: ActiveMQ.Commands

Assembly: activemq-dotnet (in activemq-dotnet.dll)

See Also

DataStructure Members | ActiveMQ.Commands Namespace