ActiveMQMessage Constructor | Initializes a new instance of the ActiveMQMessage class. |
Arrival (inherited from Message) | |
BrokerPath (inherited from Message) | |
CommandId (inherited from BaseCommand) | |
Compressed (inherited from Message) | |
Content (inherited from Message) | |
CorrelationId (inherited from Message) | |
DataStructure (inherited from Message) | |
Destination (inherited from Message) | |
Expiration (inherited from Message) | |
FromDestination | |
GroupID (inherited from Message) | |
GroupSequence (inherited from Message) | |
JMSXDeliveryCount | Returns the number of times this message has been redelivered to other consumers without being acknowledged successfully. |
JMSXGroupID | The Message Group ID used to group messages together to the same consumer for the same group ID value |
JMSXGroupSeq | The Message Group Sequence counter to indicate the position in a group |
JMSXProducerTXID | Returns the ID of the producers transaction |
MarshalledProperties (inherited from Message) | |
MessageId (inherited from Message) | |
NMSCorrelationID | The correlation ID used to correlate messages with conversations or long running business processes |
NMSDestination | The destination of the message |
NMSExpiration | The time in milliseconds that this message should expire in |
NMSMessageId | The message ID which is set by the provider |
NMSPersistent | Whether or not this message is persistent |
NMSPriority | The Priority on this message |
NMSRedelivered | Returns true if this message has been redelivered to this or another consumer before being acknowledged successfully. |
NMSReplyTo | The destination that the consumer of this message should send replies to |
NMSTimestamp | The timestamp the broker added to the message |
NMSType | The type name of this message |
OriginalDestination (inherited from Message) | |
OriginalTransactionId (inherited from Message) | |
Persistent (inherited from Message) | |
Priority (inherited from Message) | |
ProducerId (inherited from Message) | |
Properties | |
RecievedByDFBridge (inherited from Message) | |
RedeliveryCounter (inherited from Message) | |
ReplyTo (inherited from Message) | |
ResponseRequired (inherited from BaseDataStructure) | |
TargetConsumerId (inherited from Message) | |
Timestamp (inherited from Message) | |
TransactionId (inherited from Message) | |
Type (inherited from Message) | |
UserID (inherited from Message) |
Acknowledge | |
AfterMarshall (inherited from BaseDataStructure) | |
AfterUnmarshall (inherited from BaseDataStructure) | |
BeforeMarshall | |
BeforeUnmarshall (inherited from BaseDataStructure) | |
Equals (inherited from BaseCommand) | |
GetDataStructureType | |
GetHashCode (inherited from BaseCommand) | |
GetMarshalledForm (inherited from BaseDataStructure) | |
GetObjectProperty | |
GetType (inherited from Object) | |
HashCode (inherited from BaseDataStructure) | |
IsMarshallAware | |
SetMarshalledForm (inherited from BaseDataStructure) | |
SetObjectProperty | |
ToString (inherited from Message) |
Finalize (inherited from Object) | |
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) |