======================================================================= Welcome to: * Apahce.NMS : The .NET Messaging Service API ======================================================================= For more information see http://activemq.apache.org/nms ======================================================================= Building With NAnt 0.86-Beta2 http://nant.sourceforge.net/ ======================================================================= A recent nightly build of the NAnt 0.86 beta 2 is required to build Apache.NMS. To build the code using NAnt, run: nant To generate the documentation, run: nant doc ======================================================================= Building With Visual Studio 2008 ======================================================================= First build the project with nant, this will download and install all the 3rd party dependencies for you. Open the solution File. Build using "Build"->"Build Solution" menu option. The resulting DLLs will be in build\${framework}\debug or the build\${framework}\release directories depending on your settings under "Build"->"Configuration Manager" If you have the Resharper plugin installed in Visual Studio, you can run all the Unit Tests by using the "ReSharper"->"Unit Testing"->"Run All Tests from Solution" menu option. Please note that you must run an Apache ActiveMQ Broker before kicking off the unit tests.