/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using Apache.NMS.Stomp.Commands; using Apache.NMS.Stomp.State; using Apache.NMS.Stomp.Threads; using Apache.NMS.Util; namespace Apache.NMS.Stomp.Transport.Failover { /// /// A Transport that is made reliable by being able to fail over to another /// transport when a transport failure is detected. /// public class FailoverTransport : ICompositeTransport, IComparable { private static int idCounter = 0; private readonly int id; private bool disposed; private bool connected; private readonly List uris = new List(); private CommandHandler commandHandler; private ExceptionHandler exceptionHandler; private InterruptedHandler interruptedHandler; private ResumedHandler resumedHandler; private readonly Mutex reconnectMutex = new Mutex(); private readonly Mutex sleepMutex = new Mutex(); private readonly ConnectionStateTracker stateTracker = new ConnectionStateTracker(); private readonly Dictionary requestMap = new Dictionary(); private Uri connectedTransportURI; private Uri failedConnectTransportURI; private readonly AtomicReference connectedTransport = new AtomicReference(null); private TaskRunner reconnectTask = null; private bool started; private int timeout = -1; private int asyncTimeout = 45000; private int initialReconnectDelay = 10; private int maxReconnectDelay = 1000 * 30; private int backOffMultiplier = 2; private bool useExponentialBackOff = true; private bool randomize = true; private int maxReconnectAttempts; private int startupMaxReconnectAttempts; private int connectFailures; private int reconnectDelay = 10; private Exception connectionFailure; private bool firstConnection = true; private volatile Exception failure; private readonly object mutex = new object(); public FailoverTransport() { id = idCounter++; } ~FailoverTransport() { Dispose(false); } #region FailoverTask private class FailoverTask : Task { private readonly FailoverTransport parent; public FailoverTask(FailoverTransport p) { parent = p; } public bool Iterate() { bool result = false; bool doReconnect = !parent.disposed && parent.connectionFailure == null; try { if(parent.ConnectedTransport == null && doReconnect) { result = parent.DoConnect(); } } finally { } return result; } } #endregion #region Property Accessors public CommandHandler Command { get { return commandHandler; } set { commandHandler = value; } } public ExceptionHandler Exception { get { return exceptionHandler; } set { exceptionHandler = value; } } public InterruptedHandler Interrupted { get { return interruptedHandler; } set { this.interruptedHandler = value; } } public ResumedHandler Resumed { get { return resumedHandler; } set { this.resumedHandler = value; } } internal Exception Failure { get{ return failure; } set { lock(mutex) { failure = value; } } } public int Timeout { get { return this.timeout; } set { this.timeout = value; } } public int InitialReconnectDelay { get { return initialReconnectDelay; } set { initialReconnectDelay = value; } } public int MaxReconnectDelay { get { return maxReconnectDelay; } set { maxReconnectDelay = value; } } public int ReconnectDelay { get { return reconnectDelay; } set { reconnectDelay = value; } } public int ReconnectDelayExponent { get { return backOffMultiplier; } set { backOffMultiplier = value; } } public ITransport ConnectedTransport { get { return connectedTransport.Value; } set { connectedTransport.Value = value; } } public Uri ConnectedTransportURI { get { return connectedTransportURI; } set { connectedTransportURI = value; } } public int MaxReconnectAttempts { get { return maxReconnectAttempts; } set { maxReconnectAttempts = value; } } public int StartupMaxReconnectAttempts { get { return startupMaxReconnectAttempts; } set { startupMaxReconnectAttempts = value; } } public bool Randomize { get { return randomize; } set { randomize = value; } } public bool UseExponentialBackOff { get { return useExponentialBackOff; } set { useExponentialBackOff = value; } } #endregion /// /// If doing an asynchronous connect, the milliseconds before timing out if no connection can be made /// /// The async timeout. public int AsyncTimeout { get { return asyncTimeout; } set { asyncTimeout = value; } } public bool IsFaultTolerant { get { return true; } } public bool IsDisposed { get { return disposed; } } public bool IsConnected { get { return connected; } } public bool IsStarted { get { return started; } } /// /// /// /// Returns true if the command is one sent when a connection is being closed. private static bool IsShutdownCommand(Command command) { return (command != null && (command.IsShutdownInfo || command is RemoveInfo)); } public void OnException(ITransport sender, Exception error) { try { HandleTransportFailure(error); } catch(Exception e) { e.GetType(); // What to do here? } } public void disposedOnCommand(ITransport sender, Command c) { } public void disposedOnException(ITransport sender, Exception e) { } public void HandleTransportFailure(Exception e) { ITransport transport = connectedTransport.GetAndSet(null); if(transport != null) { transport.Command = new CommandHandler(disposedOnCommand); transport.Exception = new ExceptionHandler(disposedOnException); try { transport.Stop(); } catch(Exception ex) { ex.GetType(); // Ignore errors but this lets us see the error during debugging } lock(reconnectMutex) { bool reconnectOk = false; if(started) { Tracer.WarnFormat("Transport failed to {0}, attempting to automatically reconnect due to: {1}", ConnectedTransportURI.ToString(), e.Message); reconnectOk = true; } failedConnectTransportURI = ConnectedTransportURI; ConnectedTransportURI = null; connected = false; if(reconnectOk) { reconnectTask.Wakeup(); } } if(this.Interrupted != null) { this.Interrupted(transport); } } } public void Start() { lock(reconnectMutex) { if(started) { Tracer.Debug("FailoverTransport Already Started."); return; } Tracer.Debug("FailoverTransport Started."); started = true; if(ConnectedTransport != null) { stateTracker.DoRestore(ConnectedTransport); } else { Reconnect(); } } } public virtual void Stop() { ITransport transportToStop = null; lock(reconnectMutex) { if(!started) { Tracer.Debug("FailoverTransport Already Stopped."); return; } Tracer.Debug("FailoverTransport Stopped."); started = false; disposed = true; connected = false; if(ConnectedTransport != null) { transportToStop = connectedTransport.GetAndSet(null); } } try { sleepMutex.WaitOne(); } finally { sleepMutex.ReleaseMutex(); } if(reconnectTask != null) { reconnectTask.Shutdown(); } if(transportToStop != null) { transportToStop.Stop(); } } public FutureResponse AsyncRequest(Command command) { throw new ApplicationException("FailoverTransport does not implement AsyncRequest(Command)"); } public Response Request(Command command) { throw new ApplicationException("FailoverTransport does not implement Request(Command)"); } public Response Request(Command command, TimeSpan ts) { throw new ApplicationException("FailoverTransport does not implement Request(Command, TimeSpan)"); } public void OnCommand(ITransport sender, Command command) { if(command != null) { if(command.IsResponse) { Object oo = null; lock(((ICollection) requestMap).SyncRoot) { int v = ((Response) command).CorrelationId; try { if(requestMap.ContainsKey(v)) { oo = requestMap[v]; requestMap.Remove(v); } } catch { } } Tracked t = oo as Tracked; if(t != null) { t.onResponses(); } } } this.Command(sender, command); } public void Oneway(Command command) { Exception error = null; lock(reconnectMutex) { if(IsShutdownCommand(command) && ConnectedTransport == null) { if(command.IsShutdownInfo) { // Skipping send of ShutdownInfo command when not connected. return; } if(command.IsRemoveInfo) { stateTracker.track(command); // Simulate response to RemoveInfo command Response response = new Response(); response.CorrelationId = command.CommandId; OnCommand(this, response); return; } } // Keep trying until the message is sent. for(int i = 0; !disposed; i++) { try { // Wait for transport to be connected. ITransport transport = ConnectedTransport; DateTime start = DateTime.Now; bool timedout = false; while(transport == null && !disposed && connectionFailure == null) { int elapsed = (int)(DateTime.Now - start).TotalMilliseconds; if( this.timeout > 0 && elapsed > timeout ) { timedout = true; Tracer.DebugFormat("FailoverTransport.oneway - timed out after {0} mills", elapsed ); break; } // Release so that the reconnect task can run try { // This is a bit of a hack, what should be happening is that when // there's a reconnect the reconnectTask should signal the Monitor // or some other event object to indicate that we can wakeup right // away here, instead of performing the full wait. Monitor.Exit(reconnectMutex); Thread.Sleep(100); Monitor.Enter(reconnectMutex); } catch(Exception e) { Tracer.DebugFormat("Interrupted: {0}", e.Message); } transport = ConnectedTransport; } if(transport == null) { // Previous loop may have exited due to use being disposed. if(disposed) { error = new IOException("Transport disposed."); } else if(connectionFailure != null) { error = connectionFailure; } else if(timedout) { error = new IOException("Failover oneway timed out after "+ timeout +" milliseconds."); } else { error = new IOException("Unexpected failure."); } break; } // If it was a request and it was not being tracked by // the state tracker, then hold it in the requestMap so // that we can replay it later. Tracked tracked = stateTracker.track(command); lock(((ICollection) requestMap).SyncRoot) { if(tracked != null && tracked.WaitingForResponse) { requestMap.Add(command.CommandId, tracked); } else if(tracked == null && command.ResponseRequired) { requestMap.Add(command.CommandId, command); } } // Send the message. try { transport.Oneway(command); stateTracker.trackBack(command); } catch(Exception e) { // If the command was not tracked.. we will retry in // this method if(tracked == null) { // since we will retry in this method.. take it // out of the request map so that it is not // sent 2 times on recovery if(command.ResponseRequired) { lock(((ICollection) requestMap).SyncRoot) { requestMap.Remove(command.CommandId); } } // Rethrow the exception so it will handled by // the outer catch throw e; } } return; } catch(Exception e) { Tracer.DebugFormat("Send Oneway attempt: {0} failed: Message = {1}", i, e.Message); Tracer.DebugFormat("Failed Message Was: {0}", command); HandleTransportFailure(e); } } } if(!disposed) { if(error != null) { throw error; } } } public void Add(Uri[] u) { lock(uris) { for(int i = 0; i < u.Length; i++) { if(!uris.Contains(u[i])) { uris.Add(u[i]); } } } Reconnect(); } public void Remove(Uri[] u) { lock(uris) { for(int i = 0; i < u.Length; i++) { uris.Remove(u[i]); } } Reconnect(); } public void Add(String u) { try { Uri uri = new Uri(u); lock(uris) { if(!uris.Contains(uri)) { uris.Add(uri); } } Reconnect(); } catch(Exception e) { Tracer.ErrorFormat("Failed to parse URI '{0}': {1}", u, e.Message); } } public void Reconnect(Uri uri) { Add(new Uri[] { uri }); } public void Reconnect() { lock(reconnectMutex) { if(started) { if(reconnectTask == null) { Tracer.Debug("Creating reconnect task"); reconnectTask = new DedicatedTaskRunner(new FailoverTask(this)); } Tracer.Debug("Waking up reconnect task"); try { reconnectTask.Wakeup(); } catch(Exception) { } } else { Tracer.Debug("Reconnect was triggered but transport is not started yet. Wait for start to connect the transport."); } } } private List ConnectList { get { List l = new List(uris); bool removed = false; if(failedConnectTransportURI != null) { removed = l.Remove(failedConnectTransportURI); } if(Randomize) { // Randomly, reorder the list by random swapping Random r = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond); for(int i = 0; i < l.Count; i++) { int p = r.Next(l.Count); Uri t = l[p]; l[p] = l[i]; l[i] = t; } } if(removed) { l.Add(failedConnectTransportURI); } return l; } } protected void RestoreTransport(ITransport t) { Tracer.Info("Restoring previous transport connection."); t.Start(); stateTracker.DoRestore(t); Tracer.Info("Sending queued commands..."); Dictionary tmpMap = null; lock(((ICollection) requestMap).SyncRoot) { tmpMap = new Dictionary(requestMap); } foreach(Command command in tmpMap.Values) { t.Oneway(command); } } public Uri RemoteAddress { get { if(ConnectedTransport != null) { return ConnectedTransport.RemoteAddress; } return null; } } public Object Narrow(Type type) { if(this.GetType().Equals(type)) { return this; } else if(ConnectedTransport != null) { return ConnectedTransport.Narrow(type); } return null; } private bool DoConnect() { lock(reconnectMutex) { if(ConnectedTransport != null || disposed || connectionFailure != null) { return false; } else { List connectList = ConnectList; if(connectList.Count == 0) { Failure = new NMSConnectionException("No URIs available for connection."); } else { if(!UseExponentialBackOff) { ReconnectDelay = InitialReconnectDelay; } ITransport transport = null; Uri chosenUri = null; try { foreach(Uri uri in connectList) { if(ConnectedTransport != null || disposed) { break; } Tracer.DebugFormat("Attempting connect to: {0}", uri); // synchronous connect try { Tracer.DebugFormat("Attempting connect to: {0}", uri.ToString()); transport = TransportFactory.CompositeConnect(uri); chosenUri = transport.RemoteAddress; break; } catch(Exception e) { Failure = e; Tracer.DebugFormat("Connect fail to: {0}, reason: {1}", uri, e.Message); } } if(transport != null) { transport.Command = new CommandHandler(OnCommand); transport.Exception = new ExceptionHandler(OnException); transport.Start(); if(started) { RestoreTransport(transport); } if(this.Resumed != null) { this.Resumed(transport); } Tracer.Debug("Connection established"); ReconnectDelay = InitialReconnectDelay; ConnectedTransportURI = chosenUri; ConnectedTransport = transport; connectFailures = 0; connected = true; if(firstConnection) { firstConnection = false; Tracer.InfoFormat("Successfully connected to: {0}", chosenUri.ToString()); } else { Tracer.InfoFormat("Successfully reconnected to: {0}", chosenUri.ToString()); } return false; } } catch(Exception e) { Failure = e; Tracer.DebugFormat("Connect attempt failed. Reason: {0}", e.Message); } } int maxAttempts = 0; if( firstConnection ) { if( StartupMaxReconnectAttempts != 0 ) { maxAttempts = StartupMaxReconnectAttempts; } } if( maxAttempts == 0 ) { maxAttempts = MaxReconnectAttempts; } if(maxAttempts > 0 && ++connectFailures >= maxAttempts) { Tracer.ErrorFormat("Failed to connect to transport after {0} attempt(s)", connectFailures); connectionFailure = Failure; this.Exception(this, connectionFailure); return false; } } } if(!disposed) { Tracer.DebugFormat("Waiting {0}ms before attempting connection.", ReconnectDelay); lock(sleepMutex) { try { Thread.Sleep(ReconnectDelay); } catch(Exception) { } } if(UseExponentialBackOff) { // Exponential increment of reconnect delay. ReconnectDelay *= ReconnectDelayExponent; if(ReconnectDelay > MaxReconnectDelay) { ReconnectDelay = MaxReconnectDelay; } } } return !disposed; } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } public void Dispose(bool disposing) { if(disposing) { // get rid of unmanaged stuff } disposed = true; } public int CompareTo(Object o) { if(o is FailoverTransport) { FailoverTransport oo = o as FailoverTransport; return this.id - oo.id; } else { throw new ArgumentException(); } } public override String ToString() { return ConnectedTransportURI == null ? "unconnected" : ConnectedTransportURI.ToString(); } } }