Title: News * *February 26th, 2016* - Added Bram Pouwelse as a new commiter. * *February 9th, 2016* - Apache ACE 2.1.0 release. [Get it here](/downloads.html). * *April 22nd, 2014* - Apache ACE version 2.0.1 has been released! * *April 8th, 2014* - [Continuous Automated Deployment with Apache ACE](http://apacheconnorthamerica2014.sched.org/event/39456b8b6aa54b56b5851702333e8471) talk at ApacheCon NA 2014 by Jan Willem Janssen and Marcel Offermans. [Slides are here](http://events.linuxfoundation.org/sites/events/files/slides/Continuous%20Automated%20Deployment%20with%20Apache%20ACE.pdf); * *July 18th, 2013* - The PMC is proud to announce that Bram de Kruijff, Jan Willem Janssen and Paul Bakker have accepted to join the ACE PMC; * *June 17th, 2013* - We're proud to announce the Apache ACE 1.0.0 release! [Get it here](/downloads.html); * *February 27th, 2012* - Press Release: [The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache ACE as a Top-Level Project](https://blogs.apache.org/foundation/entry/the_apache_software_foundation_announces23); * *December 21st, 2011* - Apache ACE graduated as a Top-Level Project! * *December 11th, 2011* - Apache ACE version 0.8.1-incubator released! [Get it here](/downloads.html).