# General Options project.dependson = ${p-dependson;:} project.bootclasspath = ${p-bootclasspath;:} project.buildpath = ${p-buildpath;:} project.sourcepath = ${p-sourcepath;:} project.allsourcepath = ${p-allsourcepath;:} project.output = ${p-output} project.testpath = ${p-testpath;:}:${workspace}/cnf/lib/testng/testng-6.5.2.jar -verbose: true project: ${basedir} src: src bin: bin target-dir: generated target: ${project}/${target-dir} build: ${workspace}/cnf p: ${basename;${project}} project.name: ${p} # Java Compiler Options java: java javac: javac javac.source: 1.7 javac.target: 1.7 javac.debug: on # Bnd Options -sources: true -sourcepath: ${project}/src -buildpath: biz.aQute.bnd.annotation # Default Bundle headers Bundle-DocURL: http://ace.apache.org/ Bundle-License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt;name="The Apache License, Version 2.0" Bundle-Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation # Remove certain generated headers that we don't need -removeheaders: Bnd-LastModified,Tool,Created-By,Private-Package # Fall back to the "old" method of running integration tests. -tester: biz.aQute.junit # Semantic versioning -baseline: * # Ignore $1.class files generated by javac when diffing resources as ECJ doesn't create these # can be removed once https://github.com/bndtools/bnd/issues/1296 is fixed -diffignore: *$1.class