CouchDB Collection Adapter Dependencies: * Abdera Core, Parser, Protocol, Server modules * Abdera json and html extensions * CouchDb4J ( Using the Adapter: The CouchDB adapter is based on Abdera Managed Adapter model. To deploy an instance of the adapter, put a file called /abdera/adapter/[id].properties in the classpath where [id] is the id of the service instance. For instance, /abdera/adapter/ Sample *.properties file subUri=couchdb adapterClassName=org.apache.abdera.protocol.server.adapters.couchdb.CouchDbAdapter title=CouchDB Feed author=james configFile=dummyFileLocation # uncomment to override the defaults #couchdb.port=5984 Then, deploy the AbderaServlet using the BasicProvider in your Web application environment: Jetty deployment example: Server server = new Server(9002); Context context = new Context(server, "/", Context.SESSIONS); ServletHolder servletHolder = new ServletHolder(new AbderaServlet()); servletHolder.setInitParameter(ServiceManager.PROVIDER, BasicProvider.class.getName()); context.addServlet(servletHolder, "/*"); server.start(); Using this example, the following resources will be served: http://localhost:9002/ ==> Atompub Service Document http://localhost:9002/couchdb ==> Atompub Collection Feed http://localhost:9002/couchdb/{entry} ==> Entry document Limitations: The adapter does not support media collections or feed paging. Persistence of extension elements has not yet been fully tested.