Filesystem Collection Adapter Dependencies: * Abdera Core, Parser, Protocol, Server modules Using the Adapter: The Filesystem adapter is based on Abdera Managed Adapter model. To deploy an instance of the adapter, put a file called /abdera/adapter/[id].properties in the classpath where [id] is the id of the service instance. For instance, /abdera/adapter/ Sample *.properties file subUri=fs adapterClassName=org.apache.abdera.protocol.server.adapters.filesystem.FilesystemAdapter title=Filesystem Feed author=james configFile=dummyFileLocation fs.root=/home/jasnell/tmp/fs the fs.root property is required and must be set the location where the individual entry documents will be stored Then, deploy the AbderaServlet using the BasicProvider in your Web application environment: Jetty deployment example: Server server = new Server(9002); Context context = new Context(server, "/", Context.SESSIONS); ServletHolder servletHolder = new ServletHolder(new AbderaServlet()); servletHolder.setInitParameter(ServiceManager.PROVIDER, BasicProvider.class.getName()); context.addServlet(servletHolder, "/*"); server.start(); Using this example, the following resources will be served: http://localhost:9002/ ==> Atompub Service Document http://localhost:9002/fs ==> Atompub Collection Feed http://localhost:9002/fs/{entry} ==> Entry document Limitations: The adapter does not support media collections.